Note: This article has the incorrect date for James Vaughn's hanging.  The correct date was May 26, 1863.

The Kansas City Star, Aug. 19, 1909



Capt. James Vaughn Was Hanged May 11,
1863, on the site of Convention Hall.

     The United Daughters of the  Confed-
eracy desire information  concerning the
exact location  of  the  grave  of  Capt.
James  Vaughn, C. S. A., who  was  hanged
May 11, 1863,  by  Captain Sears of  the
Union Army on  the  present  site of Con-
vention  Hall and  buried  about one hun-
dred yards north of that spot. It is sup-
posed  that  the  body  was  removed  by
friends  and  buried about  seven  miles
south of  Westport.  Information  should
be sent to Mrs.  John W. Black, the  New
York apartments, Twelfth Street and  the